Wednesday, December 06, 2006

funny things

So last Friday I was taking Claire to school without the other kids because Jeff was home. While it sounds like a treat to have a little Mommy/Claire time, she's like me and thinks the more the merrier. She really wanted to have everyone come to pick her up but was afraid I might forget. I've been trying to teach her that everyone (Mommy, Daddy, Blaine, and even Claire) will make mistakes. I guess she's taken that to mean Mommy can't remember anything...

So here were her adorable words of wisdom for me:

"To remember something you just keep it in your mind. Rub your head and it will be there. It takes a minute so just wait and it will fly in there. And if you forget, just rub your head and it will come back into your mind again."

I smiled to myself as I followed her directions remembering how I would fake write things on my hand and then smack myself on the head to try to remember things. After I dropped her off I pulled aside and quickly jotted down this conversation on a receipt in my wallet because I knew I would never remember her exact words!! Unfortunately Blaine was acting especially tired that day and asked to go down for his nap before 11. I let him since Jeff was home and could stay with him when I went to pick her up. She was a little disappointed but handled it well.

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