Tuesday, December 05, 2006


This post is for a recent commenter:

I can't believe that you somehow found me! That is the craziest thing. Unfortunately I cannot link to your page through the comments. Maybe I'm just stupid or something. Try again, please! I'd love to hear from you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was probably me typing in my URL wrong. I have an email me link on my website. Email me any time and let me know what everyone is up to. John is heading to Iraq in March. Joey will be a Dad soon, can you imagine? And Chris is still in Boston with three babies of her own. Robert is in the Navy as well. I think Kathy is living nearby where you are - she is in Falls Church. Congratualtions on your new baby! All your kids are beautiful. I'm so happy for you. You can bet I will be a regular visitor.