Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. Man, time really flies by during the holidays. I'm busily cleaning the house today because a group of friends is coming over for a craft night. I've never met any of them before so I guess it's a stretch to call them friends just yet...Chloe's asleep for the moment so I better get back to work! Hopefully I'll have something more of interest to report tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

HI! I linked here from "Notes From the Trenches". And you sound strangely familiar. Small blogging world, huh? Guess who this is? Hint: I was your next door neighbor for years and we once hid in the back of your Dad's station wagon and scared the hell out of him. Do you know??? Well, if you don't, link on over to my site and see the photo on the about page. I can't wait to keep reading what you've been up to!!! I absolutely cannot believe I found you this way. And because I simply must, "And now an announcement from the national apple institute..." :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, um. If you aren't who I think you are, I am sorry for all of that. But that seems very unlikely.