Wednesday, November 15, 2006

He knows us by our drinks...

I've always said kids understand a lot more of the subtle things in life than we give them credit. Here's an example of Blaine doing just that!

Blaine loves opening and closing the fridge, over and over again. He discovered the Capri Suns yesterday and has been begging for more ever since. I only let him have juice now and then-if you had to change his diapers after sucking down all that sugar, I mean juice, you would limit it too! So today he was nosing around in the drinks and he held up a diet drink and said "Dada!". I said, "Yes, that's Daddy's drink" wondering if he really knew the difference or if it was a coincidence. Then he help up a "regular" coke and said "Mama!". Ok, question answered...he does know the difference and he was spot on! Silly little guy.

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