Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I can't take it anymore!!

Oh why, oh why can't people just keep their mouths shut sometimes???

Apparently going from 2 to 3 kids enters some other realm in the public mind. Every time I go anywhere someone says to me, "You have your hands full!" I've managed to smile along thus far, but last night I almost reached my breaking point. We were heading into a local craft store. I had Blaine and the baby in the double stroller and Claire was walking alongside. Everyone was happy at the moment-no fits of crying (them) or screaming (me). As we headed in the automatic door (no crazy finagling with a regular door), a group of women walked out of the store. One of them looked up, saw us, and said "Oh good Lord in heaven!!" It took everything in me not to slap her in the face right then and there!!! Instead I smiled-at least I tried to...but then again I don't really know, it all happened so fast. In fact as I think back on it, I was so shocked that someone would say that to a complete stranger that I likely gave her a "What the hell are you talking about??" look. You know the one where you pull your head back in disbelief and turn your head from side to side thinking surely she's talking about someone else! You'd think I had 8 kids with one hanging off of each of my limbs with the look she had on her face.

Maybe I'm looking more haggard than I realize...


Ladybug Mommy Maria said...

I'm sure you don't look haggard. People can be very rude.

The comments I've heard have floored me and for people to think they have the right to ask intimate details - geez!

Anyway, you're family is beautiful and a gift to an ignorant world that forgets the people have ears, feelings and purpose - each one - individually.

Btw, I found you via Jennifer's blog - too cool how you guys "found" each other!

Ladybug Mommy Maria said...

Oh my, I guess I need coffee. There were lots of typos in that first post - sorry...