Friday, November 03, 2006

all tuckered out/Tip of the day

We've been passing around a cough/cold this week. I'd given my son some medicine which knocked him out as evidenced by:

Poor Hannah (the cat) is so starved for attention that she let him stay there at least 20 minutes!

Now for the tip of the day:

If you find you don't have any of those cool medicine syringes or droppers on hand try this cool idea:

Measure the medicine with the appropriate measuring spoon, poor into small glass (for me this was a shot glass-I know, great mom), let child drink medicine through a straw. Bear in mind I was giving my son that yummy tasting Amoxicillin, not some foul tasting cough medicine. Yes, my little guy has an ear infection, again, despite having tubes in his ears...

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