Monday, October 16, 2006

Where has that picture gone???

I started trying to post an adorable picture of my son holding our baby on Friday. It kept saying it was downloading it, but it was lying! I really don't know what the trouble is. I'm not overly gifted with this computer stuff, but I'm not completely ignorant either. It's my most favorite picture of him to date. He's so angelic and tender hearted and it really shows here. Of course he's not always that way, but wouldn't life be boring if he was?? I admit, sometimes I'd take boring. But then he gets this goofy smile on his face and nods his head laughing his silly laugh and I remember how fun this parenting stuff really is. Watching your children grow from such tiny little lumps to walking, talking little people is just so much fun. I'm so thankful to be able to be home with them to watch it all happen!

Anyway I give on this whole picture thing. Maybe my husband can help me out. We'll see. We had a nice weekend enjoying true fall weather. We got a new soccer ball so Jeff can start teaching the kids some soccer moves. I'm trying to get our house under control, the mess that is. My sister and her kids are coming in town Thursday and I need to get busy cleaning. I still don't get how some people keep their houses clean all the time. I really would like to be one of those people. Maybe some day I will realize that it just isn't a reality for me, but I'm not ready to give up yet.

Well, the kids rooms are calling me upstairs to put away the toys and all those summer clothes I pulled out of my daughter's armoir. Better get to work before the baby wakes and wants to eat...again.

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